05 : 03
Always evolve
Monkey Brew Tap 80mm CMYK Ceres


Ceres [SOLD OUT] — Pale Ale 6%

A strong american pale ale made in collaboration with a local Home Brew Hero, Espen Breivik after he won a local Home Brew Competition by Det Gode Øls Klubb.

The Pale Ale is Dip Hopped, a technique we never tried before but it ads a unique hop aroma. Thanks Espen for showing us and hanging out with us at the brewery!

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Metamorphosed into the last stage of the soul the child awakens. Open, playful and not bound by the rules of the golden dragon. It is finally free.

The almighty Monkey Father had finally given an unambiguous sign of his will. Three wanderers were sent out to follow the divine sign.