03 : 02
Always evolve
Monkey Brew Tap 80mm CMYK Ceres


Ceres [SOLD OUT] — Pale Ale 6%

A strong american pale ale made in collaboration with a local Home Brew Hero, Espen Breivik after he won a local Home Brew Competition by Det Gode Øls Klubb.

The Pale Ale is Dip Hopped, a technique we never tried before but it ads a unique hop aroma. Thanks Espen for showing us and hanging out with us at the brewery!

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Out of nowhere the sperical portal emerged behind the moons of Amarillo and Vic Secret. The gravitational anomalies couldn’t be wrong, it had to be a wormhole.

This blend of Trilobite was made of two batches that matured from 14 months to 3 years in white wine and bourbon oak barrels.