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Always evolve
Gravity Well 7090047310296

Gravity Well — Breakfast Stout 4.7%

A full-bodied sweet breakfast stout with maple syrup, maple extract and Pala coffee. Lactose added to up the mouthfeel.

The pull of heavenly bodies bends time and space around them, defining reality for those affected. Such is also the reality of the giants of the breakfast table; The cup of coffee pulling you out of the slumber and the stack of maple drenched pancakes getting you ready for the day.

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The supermassive black hole, once holding everything in place, was turning into the biggest bomb a civilization could ever make. If they could not rule the galaxy, no one else should.

Out of nowhere the sperical portal emerged behind the moons of Amarillo and Vic Secret. The gravitational anomalies couldn’t be wrong, it had to be a wormhole.