19 : 03
Always evolve


Starshot — Triple NEIPA 9.5%

Single hop Citra High Density Hop Charge Triple New England IPA. Our most hop-saturated IPA to date.

Citra all the way, both T-90, Lupomax and SPECTRUM.

Bonsak - HopShiner
Thomas Fawcett - Golden Promise
Stangeland Mølle - Flaked Oats
Weyermann - Carapils
Weyerman - Wheat malt

A touch of lactose to round it out.

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“Some days you just got to polymorph a few lost sailors to juicy white peaches”. The deranged wizard rubbed his hands as he looked down from his tower at the marooned apes.

A Golden Sour fermented in old oak barrels with our unique mixed culture of lactic acid bacteria, Brettanomyces and Saccharomyces.