07 : 01
Always evolve
IMG 20210927 134134
IMG 20210927 135051
IMG 20210927 135241
IMG 20210927 135612
IMG 20210927 135650
Hoptopia 7090047310050

Hoptopia — IPA (Gluten-Free) 4.7%

Hoptopia is a land where brewers meet in their afterlife. Rivers run deep of myrcene, the wells are filled with geraniol and the sun is a great green-yellow lump of lupulin.

Session IPA with Citra, Centennial and Talus hops.

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Hint: You fight like a dairy Farmer!

The sorceress took a whiff from the dark purple concoction boiling on her stove: “Just a few more magic berries and it should be ready”.

The almighty Monkey Father had finally given an unambiguous sign of his will. Three wanderers were sent out to follow the divine sign.