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Always evolve
IMG 20210927 134134
IMG 20210927 135051
IMG 20210927 135241
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IMG 20210927 135650
Hoptopia 7090047310050

Hoptopia — IPA (Gluten-Free) 4.7%

Hoptopia is a land where brewers meet in their afterlife. Rivers run deep of myrcene, the wells are filled with geraniol and the sun is a great green-yellow lump of lupulin.

Session IPA with Citra, Centennial and Talus hops.

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Hint: You fight like a dairy Farmer!

After days of walking through the snow covered mountains, the apes made camp near a hill. On the top of that hill a revelation appeared. It was the almighty Monkeyfather.

A belgian dark strong inspired beer aged in bourbon oak barrels with our unique mixed culture of lactic acid bacteria, Brettanomyces and Saccharomyces.