05 : 03
Always evolve


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Migratory Beers

Did you know that some beers are migratory the same ways birds are? The beers in this category might show up before christmas or in the summer time. Keep a look out!


These beers have met their destiny by the great merciless law of evolution. But who knows, there might be a speciment on a shelf somehwere? Or it might even raise from the dead if the circumstances are right...

The old warrior stepped out of his small hut on this dewy summer morning. The soft mist curled among the canopy, but quickly vanished as the first sunlight hit from behind the snow covered mountain range.

“Some days you just got to polymorph a few lost sailors to juicy white peaches”. The deranged wizard rubbed his hands as he looked down from his tower at the marooned apes.